Cultivate Divinity In You

Nurture an angel in you! Make your behavior towards others unconditional, irrespective of what they think about you. You would always be surrounded by rivals and competitors no matter where you are. Be alert and vigilant without feeling intimidated. Do not hate them because they are jealous of you. Hate the hatred in them. Michel de Montaigne very aptly commented-

“Of all our infirmities, the most
Savage is to despise our being”

Your attitude towards others should be that of categorical support and unreserved stance. Express your human character and instincts but at the same time, do not restrict yourself to a single wavelength. Develop a whole gamut of frequencies within you. You should decide when you want to be a human being and when you want to express Divinity. In your chosen moments of divinity, let you be the forgiver and the healer, the nurturer and the provider! Let your character epitomize forgiveness, compassion, generosity, kindness and affection. Mother Teresa once said- “If you judge people, you have no time to love them”.

Deal with others’ faults as gently as you would with your own. Forgive them for the wrongs they have done to you. Do not harbor ill feelings for anyone. Do not carry the burden of bitterness and enmity on your tender heart. Forgive and forget. Though it is easier said than done but it is well worth a try. As Henry Wheeler Shaw, a humorist has described- “There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.”
Never hold a grudge against anyone who has hurt you or cheated you. I find the words of Jane Rubietta very apt-

“Someone may have stolen your dream when
it was young and fresh and you were innocent.
Anger is natural. Grief is appropriate.
Healing is mandatory. Restoration is possible”

Whatever harm has been done to you cannot be undone. Revenge cannot heal your wounds. Do not leave your wounds open or they will end up becoming painful, non-healing ulcers. The best way to deal with it is to forget and forgive. It takes a large heart to forgive someone who has hurt you. But if you do not forgive, you will be the one who will suffer the most. Those wounds might leave occasional scars but at least they will not be painful. But the ulcers will ooze and bleed repeatedly and worst, you will be forced to remember them forever. The recurring thoughts of someone having caused injury or harm to you will perpetuate more bitterness in you. You will then experience a strong urge to give back the bitterness to the one who hurt you. It will become a vicious cycle and prove to be destructive for both sides.

Erase bad memories from your mind and engrave the fond ones on your heart- practice this theory of selectivity and you will make your life very pleasant. Neutralize the poison that you have for others and spread the nectar of kindness and affection.

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